User Auth with Adonis and Nuxt, Part 3

Forgot Password / Password Reset...

Table of Contents

Last time, we set up a way for registered users to verify their accounts via email. This post will cover the related functionality that allows a user to reset their password via a 'forgot password' request.

Previous Post

The workflow will be similar to the registration of a new user in that they will be sent an email with a link to reset their password.

To start we will create a page in the users folder named forgot-password.vue.


      <v-col class="d-flex flex-column mx-auto col-8 col-md-5 py-12">
        <!-- Forgot Password Form -->
        <v-card class="pa-6" elevation="6">
              'headline mb-6': $breakpoint.mdAndUp,
              'title mb-4': $breakpoint.smAndDown
            Reset Your Password

          <v-card-subtitle :class="$breakpoint.mdAndUp ? 'mb-6' : 'mb-4'">
            Enter your email and we will send you a password reset link

          <v-card-text class="pb-0">
            <v-form v-model="valid">

          <v-card-actions class="pt-0 px-4">
            <v-btn @click="reset" dark width="fit-content">
              <v-icon class="mr-3">{{ forgotIcon }}</v-icon>Send link
        <v-alert :value="Boolean(error)" type="error">{{ error }}</v-alert>
  import { mapState, mapMutations, mapActions } from "vuex";
  import { mdiLockQuestion } from "@mdi/js";
  import formRulesMixin from "../../mixins/formRulesMixin";
  export default {
    mixins: [formRulesMixin],
    data: () => ({
      forgotIcon: mdiLockQuestion,
      email: "",
      error: null,
      valid: true
    methods: {
      async reset() {
          .info(`A password reset link has been emailed to you`)

This page will have an input for the user's email and a button to request a forgot password email.

Once the user enters their email and clicks the submit button, the request is sent to the User controller with the email coded as the uid in the URL.

In the User controller Persona.forgotPassword() is called passing the email as the uid. This method does several things as outlined in the Adonis Persona documentation

  • Finds a user with the matching uid.
  • Generates a password change token.
  • Emits the forgot::password event. You can listen for this event to send an email with the token to reset the password.


class UserController {
  // send forgot password email with token link
  async forgotPassword({ request }) {
    return await Persona.forgotPassword(request.input("uid"));

Persona is doing the heavy lifting here in verifying that the user exists in the users table, creating a token to verify the password change request, and firing an even which we will use to send the email to the user.

Email Template

The email should provide basic information about the request and a link to the password reset page that contains the password reset token.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>Password Reset Request</title>
      <p>Password Reset Request</p>
        Hi, {{ user.full_name }}.
        This email was sent because you requested a password reset. Please
        follow the link below to reset your password.
      <a href="http://localhost:3000/users/password-reset?{{token}}"
        >Reset Your Password</a

Forgot Password Event

The triggered event should use the mail provider to send the filled in email template to the user.


// on forgot password, send email reset link
Event.on("forgot::password", async payload => {
  const user = payload.user.toJSON();
  const token = querystring.encode({
    token: payload.token

  await Mail.send("forgot.password", { user, token }, message => {
      .subject("Password Reset Request");

This event is basically the same as the event we use to send a newly registered user their account verification email except we are targeting the forgot::password event.

Once the user receives the email and clicks the link, it will redirect them to the password reset page using the token as verification. The user is asked to enter a new password, confirm it, and finally click the submit button to update their password.


  <!-- update password -->
  <v-container class="pa-0">
      <v-col class="d-flex flex-column mx-auto col-8 col-md-5 py-12">
        <!-- Forgot Password Form -->
        <v-card class="pa-6" elevation="6">
              'headline mb-6': $breakpoint.mdAndUp,
              'title mb-4': $breakpoint.smAndDown
            Change Your Password

          <v-card-subtitle :class="$breakpoint.mdAndUp ? 'mb-6' : 'mb-4'">
            Enter your new password

          <v-card-text class="pb-0">
            <v-form v-model="valid">
                placeholder="New Password"

                placeholder="New Password"

          <v-card-actions class="pt-0 px-4">
              <v-icon class="mr-3">{{ keyIcon }}</v-icon>Change Password
        <v-alert :value="Boolean(error)" type="error">{{ error }}</v-alert>
  import { mapState, mapMutations, mapActions } from "vuex";
  import { mdiAccountKey } from "@mdi/js";
  import formRulesMixin from "../../../mixins/formRulesMixin";
  export default {
    mixins: [formRulesMixin],
    data: () => ({
      error: null,
      keyIcon: mdiAccountKey,
      updatePassword: {
        password: "",
        password_confirmation: ""
      valid: true
    methods: {
      updatePasswordByTokenClient() {
          updatePassword: this.updatePassword,
          token: Object.values(this.$route.query)[0]

The password and password-confirmation fields as well as the token are sent to the User controller where Persona.updatePasswordByToken() is called.

Persona.updatedPasswordByToken() does a few things:

  • Makes sure the token is valid and not expired.
  • Ensures the password is confirmed.
  • Updates the user's password.

Next time, we will wrap up the user module by allowing the user to edit their profile, update their email, and update their password as a logged in user.